Noise or squeak coming from the bellhousing area


Noise or squeak coming from the bellhousing area


Poorly lubricated Clutch Fork, Pivot Ball, Bearing to Fork contact face or Bearing guide tube (Incorrect release bearing failure diagnosis)

1. These noises will be identified when the clutch is engaged (foot off the pedal).
2. To check with the vehicle running and foot off the clutch, if the noise is present apply the clutch – if the noise disappears then the likelihood of the bearing being at faulty is low. Please see below for remedy.
3. To double check the problem lubricate the clutch fork/pivot ball and back of the bearing with some spray lubrication. If the noise has disappeared then the likelihood of a bearing failure is eliminated. Please note spray lubrication is only a short term solution and the noise will come back with use. Please also be careful not to over lubricate the release components as it may compromise the clutch operation

1. Remove the gearbox. Inspect all clutch control components – Repair or replace if necessary
2. Clean and lubricate all moving components in the clutch operation system. ACS recommends SPG3 lubricating grease which is available from your local distributor.

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